Information concerning Coronavirus disease COVID-19

coronavirus disease prescription

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Information concerning Coronavirus disease COVID-19

Information concerning Coronavirus disease COVID-19

Sossano 3/03/2020 (updated 03/11/2020)
update: we are open

Dear Customer and Supplier,
Following a motivated company decision and given the Prime Ministerial Decree Dpcm 17 maggio 2020and followings, normal production activities within our company continue regularly according to the security measures adopted.


in relation to the alert generated by Coronavirus (Covid-19) cases in Italy, we would like to inform you that no employee of our company is currently affected by the virus.

For our staff, we have taken the precautions prescribed by the competent Italian authorities to best protect their health during the work in our plant.

All our supplier work and supply to us all parts necessary to our pumps production.  In case some of our supplier have problems with materials supplying,  as far as possible with the approval of our customers, we will try to find other solutions, involving alternative qualified suppliers possessing the required skills.

In addition, we take this opportunity to inform you of the actions taken to ensure the best continuity of economic activities, in compliance with the provisions issued by the competent Italian authorities (Prime Ministerial Decree 03/11/2020). Therefore:

Our commercial network is active and, to minimize physical contacts, it also operates through digital mobility means, including the Skype platform to facilitate business meetings that would require the involvement of more people.

The delivery of goods takes place normally, directly from our factory in Sossano VI (we accept all forwarders but we request to observe all the Covid-19 prescription as below annex).

The remote technical support service is active via skype, to allow the necessary consultations to solve less complex issues.

We remain close to the communities most affected by this situation and hope for everyone to return to normal in the shortest time.

We thank you for your attention and extend our best regards.

Nova Rotors srl
Legal Rappresentative
Carla Dovigo



Sossano 6/03/2020

To all employees and visitors who enter in the Nova Rotors factory

To all employees and visitors who enter in the Nova Rotors factory

To access in our plant and for the loading unloading of the goods all peoples, loading worker and forwarder need to use the mask  and protective gloves.

Before entering to  the offices, wait to be authorized and do not continue beyond the entrance reception. The management reserves the right to check the body temperature and in the case above 37.5 degrees do not allow access to the factory.

Hygiene measures:

  1. a) if you suspect you are ill or you have fever or you assist sick people or you think to be entered in contact with Covid-19 infected peoples up to 14th days before, you can’t enter in our plant.
  2. b) wash your hands often. Hydro-alcoholic solutions for hand washing are available;
  3. c) do not touch your eyes, nose and mouth with your hands;
  4. e) cover his mouth and nose if he sneezes or coughs;
  5. f) do not take antiviral drugs and antibiotics, unless they are prescribed by the doctor;
  6. g) clean the surfaces with chlorine or alcohol based disinfectants;

Also avoid handshakes as much as possible, keep a safety distance of at least one meter.


A tutti i dipendenti e visitatori che accedono allo stabilimento Nova Rotors

Tutti gli addetti e trasportatori per accedere ai nostri impianti e durante le operazioni di carico e scarico devono indossare mascherine e possibilmente anche guanti protettivi, in mancanza non si potrà procedere alle operazioni di carico scarico.

La direzione si riserva il diritto di controllare la temperatura corporea e nel caso sopra 37,5 gradi non consentire l’accesso alla fabbrica.

Prima di accedere agli uffici attendere di essere autorizzati e non proseguire oltre il bancone d’ingresso.

Misure igieniche:

  1. se sospetti di essere malato se hai febbre o aiuti i malati o pensi di essere entrato in contatto con persone infette da Covid-19 fino a 14 giorni prima, non puoi entrare nel nostro stabilimento.
  2. Indossare la mascherina chirurgica e coprirsi bocca e naso se si starnutisce o tossisce;
  3. non prendere farmaci antivirali e antibiotici, a  meno  che siano prescritti dal medico;
  4. pulire le superfici con disinfettanti a  base  di  cloro  o alcol;
  5. per i dipendenti usare la mascherina se si sospetta di essere malato o si assiste persone malate avvisare la direzione immediatamente.

Evitare inoltre le strette di mano, mantenere una distanza di sicurezza di almeno un metro e nel caso richiedere il rispetto di tale distanza agli altri.


Nova Rotors srl
Legal Rappresentative
Carla Dovigo