Quality is everytime a must for our company, in fact for the 1st time on August 31st , 2001 Nova Rotors achieved certification UNI EN ISO 9001/94 from TÜV UK Ltd.
On June 16th , 2003 our quality management system has been confirmed to be complying with ISO 9001: VISION 2000.
On July 10th 2009, Nova Rotors achieved certification UNI EN ISO 9001/2008 from BSI (BritishStandards Institution. An electronic certificate can be autenthicated on line. (certificate number FM 551921)
On July 10th 2011, Nova Rotors achieved certification UNI EN ISO 9001/2008 from Certification Europe™ (No.:2011/1353 A/2).
On July 17th 2018, latest issue, Nova Rotors achieved certification UNI EN ISO 9001/2015 from Certification Europe™
Due to present organization we are able to satisfy any kind of need respecting delivery agreed terms

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ISO 45001/2018 before OHSAS SYSTEM (occupational health and safety management systems) 18001/2007
On July 2020 our company adopt ISO45001/2018 Occupational health and safety management systems .
is the internationally recognized assessment specification for occupational health and safety management systems written such that it can be assessed against to give the assurance demanded by esternal such as the internal stakeholders.
The Nova Rotors promotes a safe and healthy working environment by providing a framework that allows at our organization to consistently identify and control health and safety risks of its workers, reduce the potential for accidents, aid legislative compliance and improve overall performance.
On Mrch 1st 2010, Nova Rotors achieved certification OHSAS 18001:2007 fromCertification Europe™ (No. 2010/915 ref. A/2)..

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On July 1st, 2003 become operative the Directive 94/9/EC (ATEX – Atmosphères Explosives) referring to any equipment to be used in fields with potentially explosive atmosphere.
The directive is referring not only to electric equipments, but also mechanical devices as, in example, pumps which, beeing source of priming, may risk to cause an explosion.
The fields where usually our products are applied (petrochemical, offshore oil platform, distillery, paint production, textile dyeing, …) are involved by the directive ATEX to make our pumps suitable to its rules.
Progressive cavity pumps Nova Rotors are suitable to requests of Group II, category 2 and fo applications in fields with explosion risk due to gas (Zone 1 and 2).
Our pumps, in accordance with 2014/34/EU directive, have following identifying label:II 2G IIB TX
– II means Group II, equipments used in fields with atmosphere having explosion risk.
– 1 = means Category 1 referred to internal pumps corp.
– 2 = means Category 2, high protection for fields with atmosphere having explosion risk, referred at installation site.
– G means Gas, atmosphere having explosion risk due to gas, steam, fog; zone 1 (2G) and zone 2 (2G or 3 G)
– IIB= The product is suitable for use in environments with gas type IIB (eg ethylene).
– TX = Class of permitted surface temperature (T3-T4). The user must take into consideration the temperature of ignition of gas, vapor or mist in areas of work.

Atex certificate